Star Wars

The year is 7958 C.R.C. (19 BBY). Leaders of the galaxy’s largest crime syndicates– Black Sun, Crimson Dawn, the Pyke Syndicate, and the Hutt Clan– have been rallied together by the rogue Sith lords (and brothers) Maul and Savage Opress, with the aid of Pre Vizsla and Bo-Katan Kryze of the Mandalorian terrorist group Death Watch. The goal: conquering the Mandalorian homeworld. If they’re able to cooperate, each individual could stand to gain an incredible amount of power from this opportunity– and if they play their cards right to end up on top, they might even have enough to rival the Jedi and the Sith themselves. The only challenge, however, is that they have to defeat an entire planet of the most elite soldiers in the galaxy while relying on the trust of the galaxy’s sneakiest gangs, and at the same time make sure not to attract unwanted attention from the Republic or the Separatists. 

Full background guide coming soon!

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